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Imprint CremPet Costa Blanca

Imprint for Crempet Animal Burial - Crematorium Costa Blanca

All names, terms, symbols and graphics used here may be brand names or trademarks in the possession of their legal owners. The rights to all brand names and trademarks mentioned and used belong exclusively to their owners. In addition, please note our liability information.

Company information:

Crempet Animal Burial Costa Blanca
Owner: Ralf Schlapp
Carrer Pouble Nou 6
03726 Xàbia, Spain

Appointments by appointment:
Mobile: +49 172 - 206 8 206
Mobile: +34 641 - 06 66 04

Legal information:
Owner: Ralf Schlapp, Carrer Pouble Nou 6, 03726 Xàbia, Spain
Sandach Número de autorización S03082002
Responsible for the content: Ralf Schlapp

Number IVA: ESY9013077N
Legal basis:
Online dispute resolution body pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO :
- Online dispute resolution body of the EU
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:
However, we do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before this consumer arbitration board.

Image rights:

Sensitive Photography Saskia Katharina Siebel
Facebook: @sensiebelfotografie


Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. All names, terms, symbols and graphics used here may be brand names or trademarks in the possession of their legal owners. The rights to all brand names and trademarks mentioned and used lie exclusively with their owners.