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Advisor - What should I do when my pet dies?

Advisor - In the event of your pet's death, we would like to inform you about what you should do.
It is understandable that you are in an exceptional emotional situation when your pet passes away. First, it is important to come to terms with the situation and take time to say goodbye. Please note that grief, anger and despair are normal reactions. We recommend that you contact a pet funeral home in your area or us, who will guide you through the process and ensure a dignified farewell. Of course, we can also collect your pet from your home or the vet on request - even on Sundays and public holidays. 

Once you have overcome the initial shock, you can consider the question of a dignified burial method. You are free to choose whether you opt for a tree burial, an individually designed urn, a paw print or a memento in the form of jewelry. This is a personal act of remembrance that helps you to honor and preserve your time together. You can also make provisions while your pet is still alive to make the process of saying goodbye easier for you and your pet and to create peace.

The loss of a beloved pet is a particularly painful moment that leaves behind a multitude of feelings and questions. But what should you do in this difficult situation? In this guide, we explain all the important steps that will help you to say goodbye with dignity. We will support you in organizing the funeral, dealing with your grief and important formalities. We want you to know that you are not alone. Our family business is at your side all year round to support you through this difficult time.

Understanding the loss of a pet

Emotional factors to consider

The death of a beloved pet is a poignant experience that can trigger a wide range of emotions. You will often be overwhelmed by feelings of grief, loss and even guilt. During this phase, it is important that you allow yourself to feel and accept these emotions. There is no universal guideline for dealing with grief.

It is crucial that you find a place to grieve where you can feel safe. This could be a special place in your home or a favorite outdoor spot where you and your pet have spent a lot of time. The presence of such a place can help you process your feelings and work through your grief in a healthy way. It is perfectly normal to be in an emotional state of emergency.

Psychological impact on pet owners

The loss of a pet can have a profound psychological impact on you. The loss of a pet can be experienced by those affected as similarly painful as the loss of a loved one. There is scientific evidence that the pain of loss can be as intense for pets as it is for human family members.

In some cases, feelings of emptiness, depression or even anxiety can occur. These psychological effects should not be ignored and professional help should be sought. It is particularly important to look after your mental health during this time. Seeking support can play a crucial role in how you cope with this loss.

A support network of family members and friends can be a valuable source of help in coming to terms with the loss.

The importance of coping mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are an important element in processing the loss of your pet. These mechanisms help you to channel your emotions and deal with them in a positive way. It may be beneficial for you to establish certain rituals or habits that give you comfort.

There are various ways to maintain a deeper connection with your deceased pet. These include mementos such as a paw print, a pet urn or even a piece of jewelry. This can have a healing effect and serve as a constant reminder that your pet will always remain a part of you.

Keeping a personal journal in which you write down your thoughts and emotions can also serve as an effective coping mechanism. Participating in a bereavement group can also be helpful. It is important to find the coping mechanism that suits you best. You should not put yourself under pressure to get over the loss quickly. The grieving process is individual and is different for everyone.

Types of pet burial

Farewell to a beloved pet is an emotionally challenging situation for many pet owners. There are various options for pet burial, which differ in some respects. The decision is entirely up to you and your needs.

Type of burial Details
Traditional burial Burial in a pet cemetery or own plot
Cremation Individual or communal cremation
Tree burial Ashes are placed in a perishable urn and planted with a tree
Memorial services Memorial ceremonies to honor the pet
Pet urns and keepsakes Memorabilia such as pet urns, paw prints or jewelry

Traditional burial

When deciding on a traditional burial, many pet owners are guided by general tradition. You have the option of burying your pet either in a pet cemetery or on your own property, provided this is permitted under the applicable regulations.

The graveside farewell can be a reassuring and comforting moment for you, helping you to better cope with your grief. You always have the option of visiting a special place to cherish your love and memories of your pet.


Cremation of your pet offers you a flexible way to say goodbye. You can choose between a single cremation, where only your pet is cremated, and a communal cremation, where several animals are cremated together. This option is usually cheaper.

Your pet's ashes can be stored in a pet urn or processed into a special keepsake. You can keep these mementos with you at all times so that you always have your beloved companion close to you.

For more information, please visit our price-request. We recommend that you find out about the different cremation types and their costs in advance so that you can make an informed decision.

Ecological options

There are various ecological burial options for environmentally conscious pet owners. The tree burial is particularly popular. Your pet's ashes are placed in a perishable urn and then planted with a young tree of your choice.

This option allows you not only to honor your pet, but also to make a contribution to environmental protection and nature conservation. The growing tree represents the continued life of your pet in nature and offers you a place of remembrance in nature.

Memorial ceremonies

Memorial ceremonies allow you to pay your last respects to your beloved pet. These ceremonies can be designed according to your individual wishes and provide a dignified setting to say goodbye and remember the moments you shared together.

You have the opportunity to design the ceremony according to your wishes. The memorial ceremony should give you and those around you comfort.

Please note that the loss of a pet is never easy for you as a pet owner. However, the right kind of funeral can help to ease the pain.

Tips for dealing with the loss of a pet

Allow yourself to grieve

It is vital to come to terms with the loss of a beloved pet, which is why it is advisable to allow yourself to grieve. It is quite common and appropriate to feel grief. It is quite understandable that outsiders cannot always fully empathize with the pain. You had a special bond with your pet, which is why the loss should be considered significant.

It is important that you allow yourself to feel sadness, anger and pain. These emotions are an essential part of the healing process. It is not necessary to appear strong or composed. Processing and accepting the loss internally can have a much more healing effect than it appears on the outside.

Seek support from others

In this difficult phase, it is essential to rely on the support of friends and family. It is advisable to talk to people close to you about your feelings and memories. This can help you to cope better with the loss.

Sharing with people who have had similar experiences can be very comforting and show you that you are not alone in your situation.

We will be happy to provide you with further information. We also recommend that you take advantage of the services offered by pet funeral homes, which often provide emotional support and advice. It can be helpful to talk to professionals who understand your feelings and know how to deal with them.

Create a memento or ritual

There is great therapeutic value in creating the space for grieving. Please consider what type of memento, ritual or memorial is most appropriate for you and your pet. This could be a memorial in the garden, a special pet urn, a paw print or even a piece of jewelry that you keep with you at all times.

Setting up your own place or symbol can help you accept the loss while keeping the fond memories of your time together alive.

Urn for pets with paws

Find healthy coping mechanisms

It is important to deal with the pain in a healthy way. It is recommended to engage in activities that are usually perceived as enjoyable. This can be a walk, creative activity or exercise in particular. These activities help you to organize your thoughts and maintain a positive outlook.

It can also be beneficial to create new positive memories, for example by adopting another pet or getting involved in an animal welfare organization. Respect must always be shown to the lost companion. Ultimately, as with any loss, it is important to take responsibility for understanding and acknowledging your own emotions.

Step-by-step guide to the burial of pets

Step 1: Contact a pet funeral service near you
Step 2: Schedule the collection of your deceased pet
Step 3: Prepare for the funeral
Step 4: Choose a place of burial or crematorium
Step 5: Plan a funeral service
Step 6: Say goodbye to your pet

Preparations for the funeral

After the death of your pet, the CremPet team is at your disposal all year round for a pet funeral. Arrange a pick-up for your pet, either from home or from your vet. This will ensure that your beloved pet is treated with dignity. Please note that these services are often available on Sundays and public holidays.

Careful planning can help ease the pain. Would you like a cremation or burial? We recommend that you think about what kind of memento you would like to keep. This could be a personalized paw print or a special urn,

Choosing a burial site or crematorium

Please choose a location that is appropriate for both you and your deceased pet. There are several options, including local pet crematoriums, pet morticians or pet cemeteries. A personal and peaceful place can help you process your grief.

CremPet Pet Funeral Services offers you various options.

Planning a memorial service

A memorial service allows you to say goodbye and commemorate the moments you shared with your pet together with other mourners. It is an important part of the farewell process, regardless of whether the memorial service takes place in a small circle of family or with friends. It is possible to play songs, recite poems or create a photo documentation of your life together with your pet.

You are welcome to express your gratitude in various ways. This can be done, for example, through personal speeches or sharing memories to illustrate the special bond between you and your pet.

Farewell to your pet

We would like to inform you that saying goodbye to your beloved pet will be an emotionally difficult time for you. Take as much time as you need to say goodbye appropriately. Mementos such as a paw print or a special urn can help to ease the pain.

Farewell is an important step in the healing process, but it is never easy. We recommend that you find your own way and seek support from professionals.

Factors to consider when choosing a burial method

The loss of a beloved pet is an emotionally difficult time. There are a number of aspects to consider when deciding how to bury your pet. Below are some key factors that can help you make this difficult decision:

  • Cost and budget
  • Environmental impact
  • Personal beliefs and values
  • Local regulations and laws

Costs and budget

The cost of a pet burial depends on the chosen burial method and additional services. We will be happy to provide you with a personalized quote. It is crucial to get a comprehensive overview of the costs, which can range from simple burials to elaborately designed pet urns and jewelry. Create a budget and check which options are within your budget.

Our priceenquiry provides you with a detailed overview of our cremation types, as well as possible additional services for pet burials. There is nothing wrong with inquiring about different pricing models to find the best solution for you and your pet.

Environmental impact

Another important aspect is environmental impact. Please consider the impact of your chosen burial method on the environment.

Personal beliefs and values

Personal beliefs and values play a decisive role in the choice of burial method. Some customers prefer a traditional burial, as they consider it to be the most respectful and emotionally satisfying method. Others opt for cremation to keep their pet's ashes with them in a special urn or as a piece of jewelry.

You may also have cultural or religious beliefs that favor or prohibit certain burial methods. We recommend that you take time to reflect on your own feelings and beliefs. This will ensure that the method you choose is in line with your values.</p

Our team will be happy to provide you with further information and support to help you make the right decision for your beliefs.

Local regulations and laws

The choice of burial method can be significantly influenced by local regulations and laws. When choosing a pet crematorium, you should find out about local rules and regulations, as these can vary from municipality to municipality. It is therefore crucial to find out about local regulations in advance to make an informed decision.

In some regions, pet burial on private land is permitted, while in other regions special pet cemeteries or crematoriums are mandatory. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the applicable laws and regulations to avoid legal issues and ensure that the chosen burial method meets the requirements.

For further information on local regulations, the relevant authorities are at your disposal to provide you with all the necessary information.

Advantages and disadvantages of the different burial methods

Method of burial Advantages and disadvantages
Traditional burial Respectful resting place; requires a lot of space and care
Cremation Flexibility in memorialization; not suitable for everyone
Ecological options Environmentally friendly; can be emotionally challenging
Individual paw print Unique souvenir; high effort and cost
Tree burial Lasting beautiful memory; legal restrictions
Jewelry Portable remembrance; little physical space for ashes
Animal urns Versatile and customizable; suitable for cremation ashes only

Traditional burial: advantages and disadvantages

Farewell at the Pet CemeteryTraditional burial for animals is a respectful way to lay your beloved pet to rest. It provides you with a physical place to process your grief and honor your memories. Such a place provides comfort and allows you to maintain a sense of closeness to your deceased pet.

However, it should be noted that this type of burial takes up a lot of space and requires a certain amount of maintenance. Please note that a pet cemetery or your own garden must be regularly cared for and maintained. Furthermore, legal regulations may restrict traditional burial in your own garden, which can pose additional challenges.

Cremation: advantages and disadvantages

Cremation allows you the flexibility to memorialize your deceased pet. It is also possible to store the ashes in an artistically designed urn, incorporate them into jewelry or use them for a tree burial. These options allow you to always have a part of your beloved pet with you, which can give you comfort and support.

However, not everyone is comfortable with cremation. The process can be emotionally stressful and is usually a little more costly. Here too, it is important to find out about the various options early on so that you are well-prepared in the event of a loss.

A major advantage of cremation is the possibility of creating unique mementos such as jewelry or a paw print from ashes. You have the opportunity to create something special and personal that will remind you of your beloved pet for a lifetime.

Environmentally friendly options: Advantages and disadvantages

More and more people are opting for an ecological burial. This burial method is environmentally friendly and sustainable. These options, such as tree burial, are not only environmentally friendly, but also create a living memorial that grows and changes over time.

However, such options can also be emotionally challenging as they deviate from traditional burial methods. Please note that these burial options are not available everywhere and may be subject to certain legal restrictions.

Tree burial is a particularly beautiful and symbolic way to pay your pet's last respects. Your pet's ashes are used as a nutrient base for a tree, creating something new and living that represents the eternal bond with your beloved pet.

When my pet dies, what now?

It is understandable that you are in an exceptional emotional situation when your pet passes away. First, it is important to reflect on the situation and take the necessary time to say goodbye. Please note that feelings such as grief, anger and despair are normal reactions. We recommend that you contact a pet funeral home in your area to guide you through the process and ensure a dignified farewell. Of course, we can also collect your pet at home or from the vet, even on Sundays and public holidays.